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LV2013 crashes when opening VI developed in LV2009

@Tortu wrote:

Greetings Jeff.


After reviewing the previous posts again, I noticed that nobody has asked this before: Has this project worked before?

The project was developed on another PC (Win 7) with LV2009. The project was published to LVRTE and works on the PC I'm using now (in other words, the LVRTE version of the code doesn't crash). The PC I'm using now doesn't have an installation of LV2009; an evaluation copy of LV2013 is installed.



Has your OS install any kind of upgrade that might be responsible of this error?


No updates to the OS. I don't know how we'll get OS updates for this PC; it's not connected to the web.


Other than that, what kind of things does the offending subVI does. You mentioned it does .dll calls. Which ones? Does it do them with the Call Library Function Nodes? You mention this subVI have several subVIs, is it possible to further specify an offending subVI within this offending subVI? 


I drilled down and found the lowest level offending VI; i.e., this VI has no subVIs and makes no .dll calls. I sent screenshot images of this VI and the NIER logfiles to our area NI engineer who said he'd start a ticket on my behalf. I've included the images in this post.







Please let us know of any breakthroughs you have with this problem.





Jeffrey Bledsoe
Electrical Engineer
0 Kudos
Message 21 of 26

Here's an email from NI support and my answer to the email:


Okay, here’s what happened.


  1. 1.    Opened in LV2013, did File/Save, then closed it.
  2. 2.    Opened the VI that calls (filename
  3. 3.    Right-clicked the icon, then ‘replaced’ with the file I had just saved.
  4. 4.    Saved
  5. 5.    Closed; saved changes when prompted.
  6. 6.    Tried opening the top-level VI (filename; LV2013 crashed.


Is this what you wanted me to try? Was I prompted to save changes on exit (step 5) because something recompiled due to the subVI replacement?




Jeff []
Sent: Thursday, October 17, 2013 12:03 PM
To: Bledsoe, Jeff P
Subject: EXTERNAL: Re: (Reference#2074893) Phone Support E-Mail


Note: Your reference number is included in the subject field of this message. It is very important not to remove or modify this reference number, or your message may be returned to you.

Hi Jeff,

This is Mike in Applications Engineering at National Instruments. I'm emailing you about your LabVIEW crash issue.

Based on what I've read in the forum posts regarding your issue, I understand the following points to be correct:
A. You're able to open the 2009 project in LabVIEW 2013 with the VI "BlockStatusWordDecode" removed from the project.
B. You're able to open "" in LabVIEW 2013 as a stand-alone VI and run it successfully without crashing.

If the above statements are true, as a  work around, I suggest trying the following:
1. Please open "" in LabVIEW 2013 and save it.
2. Then, open the LabVIEW 2009 project in LabVIEW 2013 and add "" to the project.
3. Please try running the top-level VI at this point and observe if it executes successfully.

Please let me know if you have any other questions in regard to this issue.

Thank you,

Mike Pool
Applications Engineering
National Instruments

Jeffrey Bledsoe
Electrical Engineer
0 Kudos
Message 22 of 26

In answer to NI support email (below):


Mike Pools said: "When you tried to open the top-level VI in step 6 [step 6 of my prior post] , had you previously opened the top-level in 2013 without the problem sub VI included?"


Answer: Yes, but I don't believe I saved the top-level VI without the problem subVI.


Here's what I just tried today:


  1. Dragged out of the project folder onto the desktop.
  2. Opened and saved it, then closed it; left it on the desktop.
  3. Opened the top-level VI (while residing within the project folder) and saved it; then closed it, selecting "Save All" when prompted at closing.
  4. Dragged from the desktop back to its prior subfolder within the project folder.
  5. Opened top-level VI, LV crashed, same BEX error as before.




Hi Jeff,

When you tried to open the top-level VI in step 6, had you previously opened the top-level in 2013 without the problem sub VI included?

The goal is to successfully open and save the top-level VI, and, therefore, all sub VIs besides, in 2013.
Then, open and save in 2013 and save it separately.
And, finally, include the 2013 in the 2013 project.

Upconverting the project and separately may avoid a crash.


Mike Pool
Applications Engineer
National Instruments

Jeffrey Bledsoe
Electrical Engineer
0 Kudos
Message 23 of 26

I am facing some error when I click Detailed help. Hence, my LabVIEW gets closed instantly. The following error is building



Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: APPCRASH
Application Name: LabVIEW.exe
Application Version:
Application Timestamp: 51d23238
Fault Module Name: LabVIEW.exe
Fault Module Version:
Fault Module Timestamp: 51d23238
Exception Code: c0000005
Exception Offset: 00a00005
OS Version: 6.1.7601.
Locale ID: 1033
Additional Information 1: cf25
Additional Information 2: cf2564169f90eb103215e8e62e4f5e03
Additional Information 3: d63f
Additional Information 4: d63fc2f2c190907402e1cc38abc24221

0 Kudos
Message 24 of 26

And how does your problem relate to this one?  If it doesn't please start another thread.  You can do so by going to the LabVIEW forum page and click on the "New Message" button near the top right of the page.  For some reason or other, a lot of people (including myself, when I first found the forum) miss that button.

(Mid-Level minion.)
My support system ensures that I don't look totally incompetent.
Proud to say that I've progressed beyond knowing just enough to be dangerous. I now know enough to know that I have no clue about anything at all.
Humble author of the CLAD Nugget.
0 Kudos
Message 25 of 26

@JeffreyP wrote:

In answer to NI support email (below):


Mike Pools said: "When you tried to open the top-level VI in step 6 [step 6 of my prior post] , had you previously opened the top-level in 2013 without the problem sub VI included?"


Answer: Yes, but I don't believe I saved the top-level VI without the problem subVI.


Here's what I just tried today:


  1. Dragged out of the project folder onto the desktop.
  2. Opened and saved it, then closed it; left it on the desktop.
  3. Opened the top-level VI (while residing within the project folder) and saved it; then closed it, selecting "Save All" when prompted at closing.
  4. Dragged from the desktop back to its prior subfolder within the project folder.
  5. Opened top-level VI, LV crashed, same BEX error as before.




Hi Jeff,

When you tried to open the top-level VI in step 6, had you previously opened the top-level in 2013 without the problem sub VI included?

The goal is to successfully open and save the top-level VI, and, therefore, all sub VIs besides, in 2013.
Then, open and save in 2013 and save it separately.
And, finally, include the 2013 in the 2013 project.

Upconverting the project and separately may avoid a crash.


Mike Pool
Applications Engineer
National Instruments

The resolution of these crashes can be found in the following thread. Thanks for the help.



Jeffrey Bledsoe
Electrical Engineer
0 Kudos
Message 26 of 26