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LabVIEW Error loading "nilvaiu.dll" . Invalid access to memory location.

I get the following message when I try to run a project that is accessing NI-DAQmx from LabVIEW.

Error loading "nilvaiu.dll" . Invalid access to memory location.

I also get an error in NI MAX when i try to load it.

There wasa problem updating the settings for this device. The operation timed out.


I am running:

LabVIEW 2018

NI-DAQmx 18.5.0


I have reinstalled all my NI products.



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Hi Todd,


Are you running the project as development or deployment? Is this an executable? Also, what OS are you using?

You could be getting this error because the MAX database has been corrupted, or because you're missing part of the driver.


Here are some troubleshooting steps based on what we now know:

  1. Double check your OS compatibility at the following guide: LabVIEW and Windows Compatibility
  2. Follow the steps listed on article MAX Does Not Load or Appear
  3. Follow the steps on article Error Message "Resource Not Found nilvaiu.dll" When Running Executable
  4. Force Re-install NI Software (instead of just uninstalling and reinstalling).
Christine B
Technical Support Engineer
National Instruments
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