10-07-2007 10:28 PM
10-09-2007 08:43 AM
10-09-2007 09:01 AM
10-09-2007 09:24 AM
i saw that too. altough that kind of "break the rules", this still seems to be the better solution, and visibility is actually enhanced. can we say that since we know the rules, we can allow ourselves to bend them?
@nrp wrote:
A few comments, if you don't mind. You seem to prefer hiding the wire for the main queue reference under the consumer states, I know it tidies up the block diagram a little, but this may lead some people to think that it is a good idea to hide wires under other objects!
10-09-2007 09:29 AM
10-09-2007 09:41 AM
"... we can allow ourselves to bend them?"
Just incase someone stumbles across this thread some time in the future...
It is NOT cool* to run wires behind structures.
The article and code are great otherwise.
* You just have to troubleshoot one application that has a node behind a structure to appreciate why that rule should never be broken. I hope none of you acquire that appreciatation first hand.
10-09-2007 12:04 PM
10-09-2007 12:16 PM
10-09-2007 12:20 PM
10-10-2007 05:11 AM