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LabVIEW Signal Express, averages


I'm brand new to LabVIEW. I have a temperature signal  from a thermocouple up in LabVIEW express, and I'm trying to get an average of this signal because it's very noisy. Can anyone provide me with very detailed help (as I'm brand new, and have no idea how to do anything in LabVIEW).

If it's of any help, I have LabVIEW 8.5 and LabVIEW Signal Express 2.5.1. Thank you!

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Message 1 of 6


The easiest way of getting the average is by Shift Registor.

I am attaching a VI run it in the highlight execution mode you will easily learn how does it work.


0 Kudos
Message 2 of 6

 Thanks! Unfortunately, I don't think I have shift register in my version of LabVIEW... The file won't open. But do you know how importing the LabVIEW vi's into LabVIEW Signal Express works?

0 Kudos
Message 3 of 6

Hello ddrop,


To add to Intelligent's post, here is another example to show you how to create a running average of an array.  I am not sure how you have your measurements recorded (if you are creating an array), but this example should give you some added guidance.


You mentioned you were using Signal Express and there are a set of Signal Express examples that may also be helpful.  You can find the examples by going to Help>>Open Example...  This should take you here: C:\Program Files\National Instruments\SignalExpress\Examples.  From there, you can go to Loops>>Frequency Sweep with Averaged Measurement.seproj. While this example does not do exactly what you are doing, it will at least give you an idea of how to do averaging in Signal Express.  Another way to incorporate the averaging in Signal Express would be to do a Run LabVIEW VI step.  I hope this helps!


Kim W.

Applications Engineer
National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 4 of 6

Hi ddrop,


Were you able to open the VI in the link that I sent over?  Shift registers should be in all versions of LabVIEW.  If you are unfamiliar with shift registers, here is a tutorial that explains what they do.  The section called "Iterative Data Transfer" discusses shift registers.


As far as running a VI in Signal Express, there is a tutorial in the Getting Started with LabVIEW SignalExpress and section 6 discusses "Extending LabVIEW SignalExpress Projects with LabVIEW". You can find the Getting Started guide by going to Start>>All Programs>>National Instruments>>LabVIEW SignalExpress>>Getting Started with LabVIEW SignalExpress.


I hope this helps!


Kim W.

Applications Engineer
National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 5 of 6

Yes, thank you, it was very helpful

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Message 6 of 6