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LabVIEW Touch Panel Reliability

Jaggs wrote:
730$$$$$$ for deployment??  That is insane!


In my country I have to pay the sum equal to 730$. If I order from my local NI office. If you live in UK you have pay 379£ equal to 630$. If you live in US the price is just 449.00$ And that is before taxes. So it depends which country you live in. But I think it is no excuse for such pricing policy. If NI keep this up they will soon end up like the American car industry. Producing cars that hardly even Americans are interested in.

Besides which, my opinion is that Express VIs Carthage must be destroyed deleted
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Message 11 of 16

I developed a touchpanel application without using the Touchpanel Module, hence avoided the license costs.  I may have ended up "reinventing the wheel", but learned a lot in the process.  My application was a behavioral task -- two buttons on the screen, if the right one turns green, use your right hand to touch the button.  If the left turns red, do not touch the button (with the left hand).  If the button turns green, then turns red, you can start to move towards the button, but must stop before pressing it.b


Buttons were simply boolean indicators (not controls!), sized, colored, and positioned as needed.  A touch is a "mouse-down" event, so I register it with an Event structure, and also get the "mouse coordinates" which tells me if the button was pushed (by measuring the distance to the center of the button).  All "standard LabVIEW" code.


The one "gotcha" was the need to make the mouse cursor disappear.  I just posted some code that I used to do this -- again, part of the standard LabVIEW development system.  So you do need a LabVIEW license, but might not need extra fees, particularly if you host on a Windows platform.


Bob Schor

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Message 12 of 16
Can XP embedded run on a system with 64MB RAM and 64MB flash?  LabVIEW Touch pnale module pricing is rellay insane. 
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Message 13 of 16

Jaggs wrote:
Can XP embedded run on a system with 64MB RAM and 64MB flash?  LabVIEW Touch pnale module pricing is rellay insane. 


No I do not think so. Microsoft recommend using PC with 500-megahertz (MHz) or higher processor, Pentium-class or faster recommended.

Besides which, my opinion is that Express VIs Carthage must be destroyed deleted
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Message 14 of 16
No, I am referring to MINI2440 which has 64MB RAM, 64MB Flash, 500MHZ processor.
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Message 15 of 16

Your unit has a ARM cpu, so no you can not run XPe on this unit

Besides which, my opinion is that Express VIs Carthage must be destroyed deleted
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Message 16 of 16