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[LabVIEW Tutorials] Programming an Arduino using LINX

Hi Everyone,


I'd like to contribute back to the LabVIEW community in some form, and I've been making youtube tutorials on how to perform basic data acquisition and hardware control using an arduino and the LINX add-on in my spare time. 


I'll keep this post updated with all my latest tutorials but the first three are available below, check them out! and let me know your feedback.


All code is available on my github:


LabVIEW Basics #1 - Blinking an LED and setting up LINX

How to setup your arduino with LabVIEW and blink a LED with a variable frequency!



LabVIEW Basics #2 - Servo Control with an Arduino using LINX

How to manually control a micro servo and adjust its pulse width.



LATEST: LabVIEW Basics #3 - SONAR Part 1 - Servo Sweep using an Arduino

How to setup a programmatic sweep using a micro servo in the first part of creating a SONAR with an ultrasonic sensor.


Best Regards,

Sin | Electrical Engineer & Principal Consultant 


Message 1 of 72

Thank you for your contribution!

0 Kudos
Message 2 of 72

Nice videos.  I think this thread would be a good one to link to when we get the numerous Arduino questions from people who know nothing about LabVIEW to help them get started.


Two comments.  Please check the volume levels on your videos, particularly the second one.  The sound was fairly low considering I had You Tube volume and my PC's volume both turned up to the maximum.


Also, can you edit the closed captioning on your videos?  I think the CC text was auto-generated and in many places is very different from what you were saying.

Message 3 of 72

Thanks for the feedback! That would be good, I will attempt to direct the questions here as I see them pop up also. 


It has been a learning curve with the editing/recording software but I will continue to optimise the audio quality so its normalised properly across platforms  🙂


I definitely can edit the CC text, I will work on it in between my next video, thanks for the suggestion.  

Best Regards,

Sin | Electrical Engineer & Principal Consultant 


Message 4 of 72

You also might want to share these over at the LabVIEW Makerhub if you haven't already.

=== Engineer Ambiguously ===
Message 5 of 72

Just waiting on Admin approval there 🙂


Update #1: All three videos have now had their Closed Captions transcribed, so now if you can't understand me or I'm talking too fast/abrubtly you can use the CC to follow. 

Best Regards,

Sin | Electrical Engineer & Principal Consultant 


Message 6 of 72

Hey everyone, the second part of my SONAR series is up, check it out!


LabVIEW Basics #4 - SONAR Part 2 - Ultrasonic Sensor Data Acquisition with an Arduino UNO (LINX)

In this video, I build on my previous VI to add in functionality to trigger and read in the measurement data from an ultrasonic sensor. 

I go through the basic theory of operation, a wiring diagram and explain how to implement the required function from the LINX function palette.

I also discuss a crucial step in configuring the LINX function subVI which requires an additional input that isn't on the connector pane.


Check it out and let me know your feedback!


Best Regards,

Sin | Electrical Engineer & Principal Consultant 


Message 7 of 72

Hey everyone, the third part of my SONAR series is up, check it out!


LabVIEW Basics #5 - SONAR Part 2.5 - SONAR Teaser

This is just a teaser video to demonstrate my final SONAR UI and functionality, the full code and explanation will be available in the next video!


Check it out and let me know your feedback!

Best Regards,

Sin | Electrical Engineer & Principal Consultant 


Message 8 of 72

Hey everyone, the final part of my SONAR series is up, check it out!


LabVIEW Basics #6 - SONAR Part 3 - Design and Implementation of a SONAR System on an Arduino UNO R3

I discuss the layout of the SONAR circuit, how to identify noise from servo motors and best practice for powering them including when to use bypass capacitors. Noise injection is demonstrated by running both circuits side by side to see a real-time view of how noise affects the ultrasonic sensor. I then discuss how to implement the code in LabVIEW to make all the magic happen and generate a nice polar plot that represents our SONAR.


Check it out and let me know your feedback!

Best Regards,

Sin | Electrical Engineer & Principal Consultant 


0 Kudos
Message 9 of 72

Thank you so much for the tutorial. I was able to follow your instructions on how to set up and make sure the arduino uno board is communciating with Labview. It is indeed communicating according to NI Max.


I set up a simple program to control my DC motor with L298N. However, when i click on run, arduino uno isnt responding to labview (RX light not blinking). My motor doesnt turn on at all. 


I dont think my code has any  problems as well. 

Do you have any ideas? I am using Labview 2018, code attached.


thank you!

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Message 10 of 72