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LabVIEW proverbs!

Life's too short to drink cheap beer

Ok, it's not "strictly" LabVIEW related, but after a long day of coding........


Ed Dickens - Certified LabVIEW Architect - DISTek Integration, Inc. - NI Certified Alliance Partner
Using the Abort button to stop your VI is like using a tree to stop your car. It works, but there may be consequences.
Message 21 of 305
Some more quote I like. Only one LV specific.

"Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds" A. Einstein

"All I ask of my body is to carry my head around" T. Edison

"The problem with being able to do everything is, you are expected to!" Ben

"If in doubt, rich-click" R. Brueggman (LV Basics I June 1999)

Retired Senior Automation Systems Architect with Data Science Automation LabVIEW Champion Knight of NI and Prepper LinkedIn Profile YouTube Channel
Message 22 of 305
* The shortest distance between two points is a straight line. *

May be someone could rewrite it in a good English...

For so many diagrams, it seems that this simple statement has been forgotten !
Message 23 of 305
Don't judge a VI by its front panel.

If your LabVIEW problem can be solved by getting a bigger monitor, the problem is elsewhere.

Message 24 of 305
To G or not to C is not the question
but to C-text is the question

Message 25 of 305
Very nice thread¡

Just coming from a thread about use of locals to save wires...:

**** A wire is worth two locals *****

And a translation ( somebody could rewrite in good English):

** There are 10 kinds of programmers: the ones who use Labview and the ones who don´t ***

--Ok, think binary --

"Qod natura non dat, Salmantica non praestat"
Message 26 of 305
How about a quote for the Developers Exchange.

"There is wisdom in a multitude of counselors" Proverbs

Retired Senior Automation Systems Architect with Data Science Automation LabVIEW Champion Knight of NI and Prepper LinkedIn Profile YouTube Channel
Message 27 of 305

The first law of programming:

N = [S*S*T/(D*P)] + 1

N : Number of bugs
S : Program size
T : Time spent programming
D : Time spent debugging
P : Programmer skills

In other words:

- After debugging by the best programmers for an infinite time, there will be exactly one bug left.


- The last remaining bug can never be found.

We probably can make a more complex version that includes other metrics such as: # of people involved in the project, the number of sequence structures, value property nodes, and local variables. Bonus for 1 event structure, but penalty for 2 or more. etc.

Message Edited by altenbach on 06-29-2005 08:43 AM

Message 28 of 305
If you are single, you are not able to build a digital virtual instrument (VI) to measure ice point temperature (0 degC).


Got married before you build a virtual digital thermometer.

(SGL with temperature unit degC or degF cannot be correctly displayed for values 0, 1, etc.

I am not sure if it is a English proverb.
Message 29 of 305
The ultimate question of LabVIEW, multiplication and base 13: What do you get if you multiply six by nine?
The answer is attached and it is recommended to run the VI with Highlight execution.
This is for the great D. It's been almost four years since he left us.
And here's one of his quotes, hopefully never to be relevant to any LabVIEW programmer:
"I love deadlines. I like the wooshing sound they make as they fly by".

Try to take over the world!
Message 30 of 305