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LabVIEW vxlapi CANCASEXL configuration


Currently I am trying to develop an application over the vector hw using LabVIEW. I am using the vxlapi.dll to  comunicate with the cancasexl and I have had a lot of problems. Currently my problem is the tx/rx. Parallel to my application I have a nother application runing in silent mode to see what is happening in the channels (sniffer). Then only thing I can read qhen I send a message is the ID. no data no dlc nothing else.


Maybe it is a problem in the implementation of the


I'll apreciate some help!!!

0 Kudos
Message 1 of 49



Could you also attach the What errors do you get in your application and why do you think the problem is on this vi?



Applications Engineer - Certified LabVIEW Developer & Certified TestStand Developer
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Message 2 of 49


I cannot see any error in the application, but with the sniffer, I only see the id of the message. I just think there is a wrong addressing to the data inside the, but I am not sure.


In order to see inside the s_xl_tag_data, I will attach all the VIs concerning to the



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Message 3 of 49

What are you sending?? I guess is xlevent, but i wanna be sure.


Without enough knowledge about your application (I work with LabVIEW and NI products, but i haven't been working with Vector), it looks like the vi you have developed is working as expected. Any change in the inputs is transferred to the outputs...


In order to perform a deeper debugging, i need to know what you expect to get, where, and if possible, how.

Applications Engineer - Certified LabVIEW Developer & Certified TestStand Developer
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Message 4 of 49


The main problem is that the vxlapi.dll of vector doesn't recognize my xlEvent, or at least that is what I think. As can you see in my xlEvent, there is a TAG, ID,DLC,FLAG and data, and the olny thing that seems to work is the TAG and DLC. I don't know what I am doing wrong, but I cannot properly transmit.


Every thing seems to work, but I cannot send any can message.





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Message 5 of 49

I think the VI is correct, and that's as far as i can go with my knowledge. I have visited some sites about CAN in order to help you, but i think i might not be the right person to help you with this issue.


The only thing that occurs to me is that you may have constructed the message in a wrong way (maybe in a wrong order). I don't know if you understand Spanish, but this is the link that i have been reviewing


Everything that you change in the s_xl_event goes through the whole subVIs system, and the s_xl_can_msg is updated. Have you tried the Vector support?


I hope you can figure it out! (and if you do, share your solution with us :D)

Applications Engineer - Certified LabVIEW Developer & Certified TestStand Developer
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Message 6 of 49

For example, in the link i sent you in Spanish, they say that there is a bit, called rtr that indicates if the frame has data or not. I think you determine this bit in the flags field of your message.


When you sniff the frame, check all the flags and tell me if you should be able to see data or not.

Applications Engineer - Certified LabVIEW Developer & Certified TestStand Developer
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Message 7 of 49


Well, actually I can transmit now ¡¡¡ 😄 !!!, I have the CANoe running as a sniffer so I can see what is happening in the bus. So I can see the Id, DLC, and data, but the data is wrong :s ... I have understood some things, but it is really hard to see what the manual of vector wanted to say (because I don't have very deeply acknowledge of C/C++ and LabVIEW).

I think the trick is to know that union means only one of the elements of the structur (c/c++) can be and that was my fail, implemented all the tags, but when I realize that there is only one that could be, I understand my fail (so I implement a lot of shit hahaha) ... Now I think iam close to achive the right configuration to transmit, but I cannot get it.



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Message 8 of 49



How is it going?? I am happy you were able to finally get a transmission. I couldn't test your code, as there is one file left (vlxapi), but if you post it and tell me exactly what error you get (or unexpected behavior) i promise to give it a try.


Good luck!

Applications Engineer - Certified LabVIEW Developer & Certified TestStand Developer
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Message 9 of 49



Did you get your problem solved?? If so, how did you get it??

Applications Engineer - Certified LabVIEW Developer & Certified TestStand Developer
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Message 10 of 49