05-12-2005 12:06 PM
05-12-2005 12:10 PM
05-12-2005 01:28 PM
05-21-2007 11:15 AM
05-21-2007 11:33 AM
05-21-2007 03:01 PM
Hi Lynn,
That's great. Are the files small enough to email? If so, can you please them to my staelc_yddum@hotmail.com account. Please reverse all the characters in the username portion. Just being cryptic to prevent my adr from being picked up by a robot.
- Hugh
05-21-2007 03:25 PM
05-21-2007 04:10 PM
Hi Lynn,
One email is fine. Whatever is most convenient for you. Thanks so much.
- Hugh
05-24-2007 11:28 AM
05-24-2007 11:36 AM