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LabView 2009 with HP4145B


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Message 11 of 37


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Message 12 of 37

Here is my VI

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Message 13 of 37

Sorry, question 1 makes no sense. Until you click the run button, none of the code executes. You can obviously make as many changes to front panel controls as you want until you decide to run with what is displayed.


Not familiar with the instrument so I have no idea what query will return the voltages (x axis). If it's a sweep you define, then you can build the array yourself from the sweep parameters (i.e. start, stop, increment). This is a basic task.

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Message 14 of 37

For the first question. I was wondering weather I could run the VI but then input the parameters and press a further button on the VI to start the instrument.


For the second question I think I'm going to have to do what you are saying. Thanks though

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Message 15 of 37

Yes, you can start a VI, modify some parameters, and then start. A common approach is to use an event structure.

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Message 16 of 37

Can you tell me what is wrong with this? Why is type not blue, how do I make it blue? Is this the best way to do what I want?

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Message 17 of 37

Hi Pazmush,


you make it blue (enable it) by selecting some real events for your event structure. You have to "Edit events handled by this case..."!


Why do you use string controls for numerical values?

Why don't you use a cluster for all the setup values?

I doubt the VI will give desired results with all those "default if unwired" tunnels...

Best regards,

using LV2016/2019/2021 on Win10/11+cRIO, TestStand2016/2019
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Message 18 of 37

To programme my instrument I need to send strings, I think.

I've not used clusters before.


And thanks for the help, i've nearly got it down now.

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Message 19 of 37

Right, I've done some stuff, but can you/anyone tell me why my voltage gets wiped out when I press the acquire button? How do I stop this from happening?



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Message 20 of 37