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LabView Application chrashed sometimes - OPC, DSC, Data Base

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i have a Problem with LabView. Iam using 8.6 with DSC. I have an OPC-Server with 400 Variables to read an 40 to write


My first try was the connection to the OPC Server via Datasocket. The reading of the 400 variables was very quick but the writing of the 40 variables was very slow. Every write cycle  takes 10 - 30s.I need timing about 300 - 500ms. one second is also ok but not more.


After that i created an OPC I/O-Server in the Library. Than i create 10 variables in the same Libarary. I connect the variables over the SVE to the I/O Server than it works very good. Fast reading and writing. But if i use more than 6-8 variables to write over the shared variables LabView crashed or do nothing.

So i have used the right click on the numeric controll - Data Binding - Data Binding Selection -> Data Socket. Over the DSTP Server i search the variable on the opc server. (Example Path:opc://localhost/BACHMANN.OPCStandardServer.2/DeltaPOx.DeltaPOx_DAQ.DeltaPOx.DELTAPOX__HostVorg_cont_MFCVorg_C2_02_soll). This works fine. I finished the Projekt an make a exe file. Question: the communication goes over the SVE or direct over the opc server?


Now the problem:

(1) Sometimes without any reasons the connection to the SPS crashed. I show the PSP LEDs on the buttons an numeric indicators an the green led goes to red.With the client Softwarefrom the SPS Producer the comunication works fine. So the SPS an the OPC server still working. Even a restart of the LabView programm dont work. I have to restart the pc. After the restart it works well.


(2) Sometime the Data Base crashed. I use the Hyper Trend to show the trends of the variables. Sometimes if i open the Tab with the Hyper Trend Windows the Database show the Date from January 1th 1904. Than i have to restart the Data Base. Last time it dont works and i had to rebuild the Host Application.


(3) I get the Error Messages "Runtime Error ... Tagsrv.exe". I read that this messages only comes if something tried to close the Data Base. I have the Error messages at the Start of windows. sometimes after some minutes or houres or days. I install in this moment LabView 2009. I hope the Failure is finished.


I guess that something with the Data Base or with the OPC-Server is wrong. Maybe somebody has an idea.


sorry for this stupid english 🙂


thx for help




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Message 2 of 8
Accepted by topic author User4711

Many Thanks!!!


It works since 5 Days without a crash. I hope it still works even in a year 🙂


thx Martin

0 Kudos
Message 3 of 8
So which option clicked?
Message 4 of 8



i take the second Option. I Increase the cache size of the SVE in the regestry +10%.


Now the SVE use 140mb Ram more. 


thx Martin

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Message 5 of 8



after over 2 months of perfect working, its crashed again. But now it works only round about 10min, then the tagsrv.exe is away. I have watched this in the task manager. The tagsrv.exe works with 55,468k and change only between round about 1,000k.The funny thing is, after a restart, the task need sometimes 30,000k or 13,000k or 80,000k. But then suddenly the tagsrv.exe is away. Then I have to restart the PC, then it works 10min. The crazy thing is, sometimes it works over 5h (in 1 of 10 starts). I don't change anything on the program code!


I have connect another Notebook to the SPS. There works the program without problems over the weekend. So the problem is the PC. I have format the HDD an reinstall windows XP, LabView 8.6 and so on. It still works for Min.  So we have checked the PC. But ram, hdd and so on shows no problems.


I have also checked the event manager (I don't now the correct name, I have a German windows on the PC).

On error message is: Fehlgeschlagene Anwendung tagsrv.exe, Version, fehlgeschlagenes Modul nipspxts.dll, Version, Fehleradresse 0x00017502. (i don't found anything in Google over this message).


Currently I am running out of any idea. Maybe somebody has an idea.


thx for help


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Message 6 of 8

any solution?

0 Kudos
Message 7 of 8
Hello, yes it works fine but i have tried several things. On failure was a defective network card (this network card works fine in windows or for use im internet but not with the sps). So i have change the onboard card with an extra PCI Card an the failure was away. Then we have change our LabView Version to 2009 SP1 (actuall we work with 2010 SP1). Now i also use the Data Socket Connections but you have to connect one SVE Variable. Than it works fine. I dont know why. I have build 3 Systems with this conifugration and it works good. Actual no problems. But i have change and try so many things, that i cant say, this was the final solution. Sorry for that. cu Martin
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