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LabView SignalExpress sweep step resets the Create DC Signal step

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I have a NI PXI4461 that I use in SignalExpress.


In my project, I have a sweep step that encompasses all my other steps. The project has a create DC signal step as first step within the sweep. The sweep step iterates the offset value of this DC signal.


Then, the DC signal is generated on one of the 4461 AO's and subsequently some measuremens are performed. At the next iteration, the DC value is changed and everything repeats again.


Then I plot the values of the measurements vs. the value of the offset signal at each iteration step using the "output signals" tab of the sweep step. It all works very fine except for a small problem.


The problem is that when the current iteration ends, instead of updating the offset value of the DC signal continuously, the program first briefly resets it to 0 and then sets to the desired value. I can see this if I capture the waveform generated by the AO on a scope. Due to reasons I can not explain here, I need the DC signal not to go to zero at each iteration but continuously change from the previous to the next value I assigned in the sweep step's parameters.


Is there a solution to this problem?





Aleksandar Andreski

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Message 1 of 3
You should post questions about SignalExpress in the SignalExpress Board.
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Message 2 of 3
Accepted by alek_a
I solved this by simply choosing "Continuous Samples" instead of "N samples" in the "Generate Analog signal" step.

So, I am going to tag this "solved".

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Message 3 of 3