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LabView connection with Relay sel-751 via modbus RTU




I am new to LabVIEW. im trying to connect labview with relay sel-751 but I got error 56 at read input register. I want to know if it is because I entered the register value correctly or if it is because of some other reason and how to fix it.









  example register address





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Message 1 of 3

A lot of things don't look right, but we can't really debug images. Error 56 just means that there is no response within the timeout and there could be plenty of reasons. Is everything connected and configured correctly? Can you communicate with the instrument with some other software?


Not related to your problem, but still questionable: Can you explain why index array is resized so much? I assume the element is U16 and typecasting it to SGL has a few bytes missing. What is the display format of your diagram constants?

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Message 2 of 3

demical format. I watched tutorials on YouTube because I'm a beginner and I don't understand much of Labview's functions. If there's anything I should know, please advise me.

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Message 3 of 3