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Labview 2014 communication with a Windows 7 app.

Because I cannot get Labview to communicate with my BLE device, I am sending the data to an Android app (BLE scanner Version 3.3), then up to Cloud and back down to my pc(Windows 7)  via a custom built app. Is it possible for Labview to communicate with this app so that I can carry out signal analysis on the data? If so, any advice or direction would be appreciated.

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Currently, LabVIEW Bluetooth VIs do not support Bluetooth 4.0. If your Operating System does support BLE 4.0, it would be possible to use the Bluetooth DLL's provided by Microsoft and call those DLLs from LabVIEW. Please see the helpful links below.


BluetoothFindFirstDevice function


How Do I Call a Dynamic Link Library (DLL) from LabVIEW?


Tutorial: Creating Wrapper VIs for C/C++ DLL functions using the Import Shared Library Wizard


Hope this helps, have a great day!

Amy K
Applications Engineer
National Instruments UK & Ireland
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