06-24-2024 02:18 PM
Hello all! I would like to output some analog and digital waveforms using my Daq BNC-2110, which uses PCI 6711. I can output them normally without triggering them. However, I wanted to use digital edge triggering out from a DO line and connect the hardwire to a PFI line to have the triggering pulse as in the code. But this is not working. Also, how do I do it without the while loop because it shows some error?
06-24-2024 03:50 PM
Not sure I understand completely what you are trying to accomplish, but I see a couple of things that caught my eye:
06-24-2024 06:56 PM
Thank you! I changed the timing to continuous sample and sample clock only, and now this outputs only one waveform. How do I generate them with N channels? I tried building an array and feeding it to write, but it combined them, not unique waveforms.
06-24-2024 07:22 PM
This is working, but the sample rate is not equal, which should not be, as I am generating same number of samples. Is there any way to modify it?
06-24-2024 10:31 PM
The loop that makes the Ramp signal on your plot does not have the same number of points as the other waveforms in the plot. The other waveforms have 11400 points; if I set the number of cycles to 10 for the Ramp signal with your other default values, you get 11410 points for the Ramp. If I change the flyback points to 139 from 140 then I get 11400 points.
If you explain better what kind of waveforms you want, your loop could probably be greatly simplified.