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Labview RT and USB

Hello all,


I was recently told by the NI support that Labview RT does not support the USB interface. This is a problem as I have two LIN controllers  (USB-8476) which need to be incorporated in my application.


My question is, is it possible to deploy a non RT thread on the RT controller (8196) which might support USB?? Else, I can definately interface the LIN controllers to the host machine. How can I guarantee a certain degree of synchronisation between the Host and the Target? 


Any help will be appreciated.




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Hello Shailesh,


regarding your first question: you can not depoloy a non RT thread on a RT controller, which would support USB. It is not possible.


Comming to your second question, you can also not really synchronise the host and the target. If your LIN Ctrl have clock and trigger inputs and outputs you might try with additional card built in your PXI Chasis to control the LIN and have some partial synchronisation. However if you want to send commands and receive data form your LIN you still need to take into account huge latency between Host and Target.


Best reagrds,







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