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Labview's Read from I16 file vi does not return array size

I have a collection of data from one or two channels that I saved using the Write to I16 file vi. Now I need to open this data for further processing, but do not have the information as to how many channels were saved. Any attempts I used to read the array size are only successful if I tell the read vi how many columuns. Is there any way to discern how many columns (channels) of data have been stored?
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Message 1 of 3
Due the the file being a binary file you will have to know the structure of the data stored in the file. This applies with datalog file types also. While writing the file use the array size function and maybe store it in an information file to be used when reading the information. Or try converting the information to ascii. Hope this helps.

Lead Test Tools Development Engineer

Philips Respironics

Certified LV Architect / Instructor
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Message 2 of 3
I hadn't realized this until I had to perform some deferred processing. Since I had lost the structure of my data, I decided to create an ini file to store that information. Kind of cheesy but an easy alternative. Thanks!
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Message 3 of 3