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Labview signal express to excel

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I'm using Labview signalexpress to acquire a signal. My problem is that I acquire 20 seconds of my signal (and I see it on the graph), but the problem is that I can export to excel the only 1.35 seconds, whatever the number of samples. How could I export to excel the entire signal?


0 Kudos
Message 1 of 8

Hi matttgic,


How many samples do you want to export? Can you say us the version of SignalExpress you use?


Thank you

Romain P.
National Instruments France

0 Kudos
Message 2 of 8



What version of Excel are you using?

0 Kudos
Message 3 of 8


I would like to export about 200 000 samples. I use SignalExpress 2009. A little precision : when I export not to excel but to the clipboard which is the other solution, I am confronted with the exactly the same limit.

Thank you for paying attention to my question.


0 Kudos
Message 4 of 8



I'll ask again.  What version of Excel are you using?  Excel has a limit as to how many rows and columns it can handle.  Before Office 2010 the limit was around 32K.  Beginning with Office 2010 the limit is 1M.   You have 2 choices.

  1.  Keep using older version of Excel and create a vi that translates a .tdms file to multiple worksheets within a single workbook.
  2.  Get the latest version of Excel.
0 Kudos
Message 5 of 8

Hi Wayne,

As I said, I have the same limit while exporting not not excel but the the clipboard. It would mean that it is not a problem with excel does it? I'll try your first solution.
If I use Labview 2009, and the daq assistant, I can create a .lvm file which contains my datas. Is there a limit concerning the number of samples in this file?

Thank you for helping!

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Message 6 of 8
Accepted by topic author matttgic

I don't have signal express but a quick search found this link.  It states that there is a setable limit on the size fo data sent to the clipboard.  


"When you export data to Microsoft Excel, LabVIEW SignalExpress copies data samples to a clipboard for export. Use theMaximum Clipboard Data Export Size option on the Data page of the Options dialog box to increase the number of data samples the clipboard can contain. Depending on the amount of memory on a machine, large log files might not export successfully."


You might be running into that limitation when you try this method.  Even if you increase the limit you will still not be able to paste more than excel's max size as discussed already.  You would have to paste it into a text file or some other program that can handdle that much data.  I would not use this method however.  Seems like it would be to easy to make mistakes that way.


A .lvm file is just a text file so you should not run into any limits there.  This is what I would use. 

Certified LabVIEW Architect
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Message 7 of 8

Hi Lukin,

It seems to be the right and simpliest solution. I'll try as soon as I can.

Thank you for helping!

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Message 8 of 8