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report generation

                   In my project I am using MS access Database, after completion of Test case, the results will be stored into Database,and retreiving from the database and printing the report in MS Word...everything is fine.But i need to print the result of "PASS with green colour Text" and "FAIL with RED Colour Text".please help me..



Ravindranath K

0 Kudos
Message 1 of 6

 Hi Ravindranath,


I had worked with setting color for specific cells in excel but not in word. I will suggest you to check with the function "Word Table Borders and Shading VI" in the Word Tables VI's section and see whether this meets your requirement. You can open help for this vi and click on open example for reference. In the example,instead of 6*6 create 1*1 table, I feel that should generate value like you wanted. I hope this can be of some reference for you.

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Message 2 of 6



Look in exemple finder, under : toolkits and module/report generation.

The example "Conditionnaly formated word table" is for you !






Edit : oups, looks like the second part of Ravindranath.K point toward the same example... Sorry for the duplication...

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Message 3 of 6



thanks for your reply....... but my requirement doesn't match with the "Word Table Borders and Shading VI".my requirement is while retrieving the data from the database, labview has to be identify pass and fail text and "PASS has to be print with GREEN colour text" and "FAIL has to be print with RED Colour Text" 



Ravindranath K

0 Kudos
Message 4 of 6

Hi Ravindranath,


After retreving the data, you can do string comparison(PASS/FAIL) based on the result you can then change to the required color. If it is still not clear, then post your vi so that we can suggest based on that.

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Message 5 of 6



Are you trying to add the text to Word through the Report Generation Toolkit with bookmarks? I had to do this recently (change font color). Here is how I got it working with ActiveX references.



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Message 6 of 6