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Labview solves ordinary differential equation

I am very sorry to bother you.
Recently I encountered a tricky first-order differential equation problem. I have found a lot of information and there is no result. So I had to come to the forum for help.
My question is as follows:
Both A and B are known 6-row, 6-column matrices, and the left side of the equation is six variables that are time-differentiated. Mwind and Mwave multiplied by matrix B are applied loads, which are a set of data measured over a period of time. The data for the equations and Mwind and Mwave are shown in the figure. If I have anything that is not clearly stated, you can ask questions at any time. Everyone is welcome to express their views.
I am here to express my most sincere gratitude to everyone, I am looking forward to receiving your reply.

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Message 1 of 8

Hi xiongbo,


My question is as follows:

There is no question mark! So what is your question?


LabVIEW has a special palette with just Matrix opreations. Which of those functions are you uncomfortable with?


Remark: Don't attach files with "strange" Unicode characters in their name. They tend to provide problems!

Best regards,

using LV2016/2019/2021 on Win10/11+cRIO, TestStand2016/2019
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Message 2 of 8

Hello, first of all, I am very happy that you have replied to my question. Then I will answer the following questions for your question. My A and B matrices are more complex known matrices. I don't know how to write it here. You can take any value if you want to solve this problem. The key to this question is how the data in the EXCEL table is related to the differential equation. Differential equations and EXCEL are also included in the annex. If you still don't understand, ask me, of course, if you want to know the specific values of A and B, you can really assume it or I will assume it for you.
Thank you very much for answering my question.I am looking forward to your reply again.

Best regards,

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Message 3 of 8

Hi xiongbo,


The key to this question is how the data in the EXCEL table is related to the differential equation.

You should know that "relation" as it's all your data and your formula!


I guess you want to calculate your matrix operation for all those ~10000 values in those two "M" vectors…

Best regards,

using LV2016/2019/2021 on Win10/11+cRIO, TestStand2016/2019
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Message 4 of 8

Hi GerdW,
The data in EXCEL is the external load, they are measured in 0 to 600 seconds, and each data corresponds to a time. I don't know how to use labview to solve differential equations in which external loads change irregularly with time. If there is only one set of data in these 600 seconds, the differential equations can be solved quickly. Unfortunately, this is not the case. I don't know how to solve such a differential equation. Because I am not very familiar with this software. I don't know if I express it clearly. Welcome to reply again

Best regards,

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Message 5 of 8

Hi xiongbo,


I don't know how to use labview to solve differential equations in which external loads change irregularly with time. … Because I am not very familiar with this software.

NI offers several LabVIEW training resources in the header of the LabVIEW board. Did you take them?

Best regards,

using LV2016/2019/2021 on Win10/11+cRIO, TestStand2016/2019
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Message 6 of 8

You have a scribbled-on-a-piece-of-paper 6x6 first order differential equation, a lot of data, and want to "solve it" (whatever that means) using LabVIEW.  We know nothing about your LabVIEW experience, but can recognize that this is may be a challenging task, and certainly not for a LabVIEW beginner.


Here's a suggestion -- give yourself an easy 1-D Differential Equation to solve (and by "solve", I assume you mean determine some coefficients that best makes the DE fit the observed data (which may should contain some "noise", as "real" data would).  Once you can show that you know enough LabVIEW to tackle this, you may also (a) already have the skills to do a 2-variable DE, then eventually a 6-variable problem, or (b) will be able to come and say "Here's the 1D case, how do I go to 6 dimensions?.


Why LabVIEW?  Have you investigated other analysis software?  Might they be more suitable?


Are you looking for someone to do this for you?  Are you hiring?  There is a Forum in the LabVIEW Community for LabVIEW Developers seeking employment.


Bob Schor

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Message 7 of 8

Hello Bob Schor;
First of all, I am very grateful for the response you gave me. I actually made a simplification of my problem. I am sorry for the fact that I have no clear expression. This problem is really difficult for me and I am asked to solve it only with labview. I just want to brainstorm on the forum to explore and seek the answers I want. I have no intention of recruiting people or asking people to do things. Thank you again for your enthusiastic answer.
Best regards,

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Message 8 of 8