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Labview5.0 how to bulid a exe file or install file

I have some vi  is  labview5.0 version,I want to build exe or install file ,but i don't know how to do it.i can't find build topic in my me
thank you
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Message 1 of 10
Do you have the application builder or LabVIEW professional?
(If you only have LabVIEW base of full, you cannot do it.)
Message 2 of 10
 Tank you altenbach
 My labview version is labview 5.0.1 , i don't have have the application builder or LabVIEW professional.could you give me a link or tell me how to down the application . Is the application builder or labview professional  ver 5.0?
0 Kudos
Message 3 of 10
This is commercial software and cannot be downloaded. I don't know if the application builder for 5.0 is still available from NI.
LabVIEW 5.0.1 is very old. Have you considered upgrading?
Message 4 of 10

Thank you altenbach

Just now ,I had downed a labview 5.0.1f1 ,but i can't find any topic about builed,maybe downed a unmatch program.Is have not  the other way? The project was build by lv5.0 ,os is  win95,we want to rebuild now,but i don't konw how to build a exe file. lv 6.1 could build exe file or install file?

we use lv7.1 build project ,so i  don't  <SCRIPT language=JavaScript type=text/javascript>rwWord("realize");</SCRIPT>   realize lv5.0


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Message 5 of 10
If you do not have the Professional version of LabVIEW 5.0x and you don't have the application builder for LabVIEW 5.0x, then you have no way to build the EXE.

If you have access to 6.1, you can upgrade your project to 6.1 and build the application with it.

If you do not need to support Win 95/98 any longer, you can also do the same with your current 7.1.

Again, for any version, you must have the Professional Version of LV or the seperate application builder install package.

Here is a link to the LV 5.0 application builder relase notes which have instuctrions on how to build an application.
Message 6 of 10

Thank you Matthew K…

It want to support win95,could you give me a link to down Professional version of LabVIEW 5.0x or application builder for LabVIEW 5.0x,i can't find it at internet and could not down 6.1 from ni ftp site.
0 Kudos
Message 7 of 10
You have to pay for the software.  Coming onto NI's forums looking for links for pirated versions of their software is probably a no-no.  NI doesn't sell nor support these versions any longer becasue they are quite old.

If you and your company devloped this application, where are your copies of the product?  If you've lost them, then you may want to see if you can find a company or Alliance member who has access to 5.0 or 6.1 and can build your application for you, but be prepared to pay for it.
0 Kudos
Message 8 of 10
Thank you Matthew K…
The project was build the other company ,of later recently it has a mistake so the client commission our company to repair it.they didn't build  exe  but direct execute main vi. it's so hard to find those old versions, i have to down an pirated versions  of 6.1 now .NI has del 6.1 from ftp,so bad.
0 Kudos
Message 9 of 10
Thank you Matthew K…
The project was build the other company ,of later recently it has a mistake so the client commission our company to repair it.they didn't build  exe  but direct execute main vi. it's so hard to find those old versions, i have to down an pirated versions  of 6.1 now .NI has del 6.1 from ftp,so bad.
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Message 10 of 10