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Larson Davis 831 need to create drivers using some code sample code and source code.

I have a Larson Davis 831 model sound level meter. . I was given some code to work with. I am trying to import the .dll file and make VIs out of it, but I have one too many .h and .dll files. I need help trying to get this into labview. I have some knowledge of how the process is suppose to go, but I am running into a wall here. I would greatly appreciate it. I will attach a link and file i am trying to import. Thanks ahead of time.

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Message 1 of 5

Hello Hulk Mad,


What exactly is the wall you're running with? Do you get an error? 



0 Kudos
Message 2 of 5



Looks like there are 32 and 64 bit code dll's.  Seems like the SLMtranslator.dll is the instrument driver and with any luck it calls the character map dll.  I am totally guessing and I can't review the structure of the dll, even though it would be fun Smiley Wink


If you are familiar with the dll you should be able to import it and end up with a batch of VI drivers, one for each function in the dll.  You can also make one VI driver at a time by manually using the call library node.


Are you already beyond this point?



Mark Ramsdale
0 Kudos
Message 3 of 5
Hello Hulk
I saw the Larson Devis SDK package for the 831C sound level meter. The included DLLs are only for 
"SlmTranslator" and "Chamap", while the important ones are the "SLMServer.dll" to communicate with
the instrument. in the document "Using SlmServer.pdf" it is explained very well what the functions are
and what is needed for communication. Keep in mind that to generate the relevant VIs with the
"Call Library Function Node" function it is necessary to know which parameters must be present at input
and which individual functions return at output. in this way you can control the sound level meter. Do you have the opportunity to send them to me?
I also need to build a driver for the 831C. Meanwhile, in the attachment I will send you the Vis
for the "Character mapping" relating to the "Charmap.dll". Best regards Ettore G.
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Message 4 of 5

You are replying to an 11 year old post, so it's unlikely you will get a response.  If you are trying to build a driver package and need help, I suggest you start a new thread.  You can link this thread in the new one as a reference.

LabVIEW Pro Dev & Measurement Studio Pro (VS Pro) 2019
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Message 5 of 5