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Launching Daq Assistant from running VI

I am developing Data Acquisition sw, where user has possibility to configure DAQ card sampling/channel settings. I am planning to use Tasks for creating different measurement setups. I know it is possible to modify measurement range, sampling speed etc. seperately. But, is it possible to open DAQ Assistant UI programmatically when VI is executed and edit NI-DAQmx Tasks? For example like when VI is not running and right-clicking 'DAQmx Task Name' control in front panel and selecting 'Edit NI-DAQmx Task' or 'New NI-DAQmx Task...' (Tried to attach picture, but didn't succeed)
Thank for the help
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Message 1 of 4
No I'm afraid you can't Marko. See here

This KB addresses the same question about the
select signal express vi and provides a different suggestion. I don't think it will provide the functionality you require but it may help.


Message 2 of 4


I will try find some other solution. I guess eveybody has to program own UI for editing DAQ settings runtime. Or...does somebody know if there is ready code available for downloading somewhere


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Message 3 of 4

That isn't totally true... I have put together a set of VIs that WILL let you call DAQmx Assistants from LabVIEW.  These VI's let you create and edit global channels, tasks, and scales with the Assistant interfaces from LabVIEW.


Programmatically Call NI DAQmx Assistants


The VI's can be used just like any other LabVIEW VI.

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