07-21-2016 09:42 AM
Good Day
I am using NI LabView Driver for LeCroy series of instruments, lcltxxxx. The instrument LT372 appears to be giving an invalid response in a "calll library node function". Error codes: Driver status-maximum time exceeded and Primary error-invalid instrument response.
I guess the call node function retreives the data but generates an integer that is converted into error code. The waveform array values are zero which doesnt make much sense.
Is the library node using the installed drivers to communicate with the instrument?
Is it possible i need to manually configure drivers for my instrument in the LTxxxx series?
Thank you very much.
07-21-2016 10:48 AM
It sounds like a timeout, have you talked to this instrument before?
07-21-2016 11:08 AM
07-21-2016 11:13 AM
Is there a simpler VI you can try, like a self test?
07-21-2016 04:00 PM
I used another set of VIs circumnavigating the VI that contained the error and was able to aquire measurements. This is good for me