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Library missing/broken in labview 2021

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Hello everyone,  


I'm running labview 2021, 2022, and 2024.  I have a project that uses the Industrial communications Ethernet/IP library but it seems to be broken in labVIEW 2021.  I can open the library from the labview 2021 folder on my C drive but all the VI's are broken.  In LabVIEW from the tool kits, the Ethernet/IP is empty.  This tool kit shows up in LabVIEW 2022 and 2024.  Any ideas what is not working?  Thank you in advance.

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Message 1 of 6
Accepted by Fbaird

I believe you have the latest NI-Industrial Communications for EtherNet/IP 2022 Q3 installed. According to the NI-Industrial Communications for EtherNet/IP 2022 Q3 Readme, it supports LabVIEW 2022 or later.


Applications Engineer | TME Systems
Message 2 of 6

NI-Industrial Communications for EtherNet/IP and LabVIEW on Windows Compatibility - NI


Unfortunately, the latest versions are still missing from this compatibility table - so it won't be of any use to you - but I've just pointed this out to ni.

Once updated, it will reveal whether there is a driver version compatible with all the LV versions you're using.

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Message 3 of 6

Similar situation however using LV2020 and LV2024.  Install of Ethernet/IP Toolkit 2022 Q3 and checked the box for support for LV2020.  Menus in LV2024 are OK and programs open with the EIP vis are ok.  However, when LV2020 is opened no menus are available and programs opened with the EIP vis are broke.  The error is The EtherNet/IP Adapter Toolkit library is expired or invalidly licensed. So what does the support mean? 


Removing and installing Ethernet/IP Toolkit 2020 allows LV2020 to function but then LV2024 has broken vis. This I can see happening due to the new Compatibility Policy.  


Also, I see note about \Program Files\NI\LVAddons and see nieip there.  Pointing LV2020 to that location verses ....(x86) ..\LabVIEW2020\vi.lib\ethernetip generates the error that it can't load ..previous version or different target or operating system.  Note that this LVAddon is in 64bit space and these versions of LabVIEW are 32bit.  


I believe LV2024 points to . (x86)..\...LabVIEW2024\vi.lib\ethernetip.

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Message 4 of 6

NI only "officially" supports versions within 3 levels, so there's no official support for 2020 and 2024 on the same PC.  The previous poster should have been able to get 2021 and 2024 to work together as they are 3 levels apart, but your versions are 4 levels apart.


On a much older PC setup long ago I was able to get around this on DAQmx (2011 and 2015 at the same time) by installing 2015 and then copying all the DAQmx files from a different PC's 2011 install onto the 2011 folder on the PC in question, but DAQmx isn't a separate paid license and it was quite a while ago so I doubt this would work.


This does unfortunately mean that I have no real solution to offer you to get this working on one instance of one PC.  It seems likely you will either have to give up on one version, or install it on 2 PCs, or install 1 on a virtual machine, or something else silly like that.

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Message 5 of 6

HI Kyle97330

Thanks for the follow up.  When EIP toolkit 2022 Q3 is installed, there is a check box for support for LV2020.  What I may be seeing is, yes support but only for 64-bit versions.  i.e. works OK for 32-bit LV2024 but the support, which it may put in LVAddon is for 64-bit.  Since I am using 32-bit LV2020 this support is not really there.  A separate location looks like the direction this is going.  

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Message 6 of 6