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Linear fit and Linear fit intervals

I checked the Parametric Curve example code and I observed that the Linear fit intervals function is plotted just in the case of Least Squares method. I ask if it is correct or not to plot the results of the Linear fit intervals using the Bisquare option (robust) for the fit. If not, what should one do?

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Message 1 of 3

Hi gnappo,


the behaviour that you described is correct. To understand and modify it, please see the differences between cases 0 and 1 of the case structure of the right of the screen.





Simone S.
Academic Field Engineer - Med Region
0 Kudos
Message 2 of 3

 Thanks for you reply, but my question is about theory, that is if it's correct or not to use Linear fit intervals with a bisquare fitting option.


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Message 3 of 3