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Link z scale marker to data without autoscale for intensity graph

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When we directly change the marker value without autoscale, no changes may take place onto the plot of intensity graph. So how can we link the marker values of z scale to the data shown on the plot?


To be more specific, because many people may prefer that they have the intensity graph for different data sets with the same z scale so that they can visually compare the z-scale value very easily by compare the color. But for different data sets, they may get different range and doing auto scale will result in trouble for having same z scale.

However, when we disable autoscale and just make the z scale marker the same, actually the graph will no longer truly connected with the plot and thus making it impossible to compare z values from the plot.

One way I have tried is to change the range instead of the marker, but it does not work for z scale that when we get negative value for z scale marker location, the graph just get something very weird like only black and white.

So how can we set two intensity graph to the same z scale and z scale markers and meanwhile having the graph link to the data we have?

0 Kudos
Message 1 of 10

Hi weirpenguin,


I don't know if this helps or not, but please take a look at the example called Common Intensity in LabVIEW->Find Examples->Search->intensity->Common Intensity Maps. In that example, see the property node on the Block Diagram where the Color Table is set.



Nathan S.
Applications Engineer
National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 2 of 10

Hi NathanS,


Thank you for your reply, but my question may be a little different.

In this example, the colormap can be changed by two ways, changing the data or the color table.

However my intention is to change the z scale marker value without change the data and make sure the z scale still properly connected to the data.

As we know, by just change value in the property node marker[] and disable the autoscale will make the scale marker look like what we want but meanwhile unlink the scale from the data. If you get a data where x range from 0-80, you can change x scale marker in the marker[] or the multiplier and offset for x scale thus making the x scale look like -80-80, but actually you are still looking at the data with x value 0-80.  For x and y axis, we can change the value in the range property node and have the graph plot the data for x value -80-80, where we may see black colormap for -80-0 which implies there is no data here. However, when we use the range property node for z axis, we may get the colormap really weird if we set the range bigger than than the original one.

So how can we enlarge the range of the z scale and set marker value for it? For example, if we get a data whose z value range from 0-80, how can we set the z scale range to 0-100 and set the markers 0,10,25,47,68,90?



0 Kudos
Message 3 of 10

Hi weirpenguin,


Unfortunately, I am having a hard time understanding what you mean by saying that the scale becomes "unlinked" from the data. Therefore I am uploading a simple example of the last sentence in your post:


"For example, if we get a data whose z value range from 0-80, how can we set the z scale range to 0-100 and set the markers 0,10,25,47,68,90?"


Please take a look at it and let me know how this example specifically does or does not do what you want.




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Nathan S.
Applications Engineer
National Instruments
Message 4 of 10

Hi, NathanS,


Thank you for your reply.


For "unlinked from data", as an example, if we get z scale from 0-80, when we try to enlarge the range by input a value greater than 80 like 100 to the maximum of the z scale range property node, the grpah will turn all white because the z scale does not support markers whose location is out of 0-255. And we can change the the max marker to 100 by just change the multiplier and offset and get a marker 100. However, this marker still stands for data of 80 actually although we have 100 on the scale. This is "unlinked from data"


And for your exapmle, sorry I just have got a older version and thus can not open it. So would you like to give me another copy in older version or just give me some ideas about it?

0 Kudos
Message 5 of 10

Hi weirpenguin,


What version of LabVIEW are you using? Thanks.



Nathan S.
Applications Engineer
National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 6 of 10

Hi, NathanS,


I am using the LabView 2009.


Thank you.



0 Kudos
Message 7 of 10

Hi, NathanS,


I just got a chance to look at your example at another computer. One different point is that I am using a graph whose representation is U8 instead of DBL. While the method of changing the range of z-scale works for DBL represented graph, for U8 ones, when you enlarge the range, making the maximum bigger or minimum smaller, the whole graph will get spoiled.


Unfortunately, I am not sure whether I am allowed to change the representation of the graph because I get the graph data from one subvi built by someone else. So how can we do the same thing for U8 represented graph?


Thank you.



0 Kudos
Message 8 of 10
Accepted by weirpenguin

Hi weirpenguin,


Please see the new example. I have changed it to LabVIEW 2009 and U8. 


If the chart is U8, that means that the data cannot be outside the range of 0-255 anyway, right?  U8 is only 0-255. So why would you enlarge the range to be bigger than 0-255?



Nathan S.
Applications Engineer
National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 9 of 10

Hi NathanS,


Thank you, that make sense now.

Thank you for your patience and help for my question.



0 Kudos
Message 10 of 10