Envoronment is FPGA, PXI7830R, language is LabVIEW 8.20.
Application is a custom modem that contains three seperate messages per frame; the modulation is PCM and the modulation rate is very close to the carrier frequency.
This project is the mapping of an existing discrete component design into the NI FPGA.
I am stuck on getting use out of the Array VI's from the FPGA menu.
I am now doing the receiver half of the design and I have the Data Stream and the Start of Frame sync pulse seperated out from the carrier as a Stream of Booleans and a Boolean. There are 46 Booleans in the stream in one frame and they are scrambled. I need a way to parse them into 3 seperate 16 bit words. I need a VI that is equivalent to the bit munipulations available in C.
My approach so far is to initialize a 1X46 array and inside a timed while loop, to get the stream into this Boolean array as elements. Then I want to index through the array and write each element to a specific bit in one of 3 words.
Any suggestions?
Also, I am getting compile errors on code that has straight arrows.
I am getting broken arrows on when I connect arrays that seem to match what is asked for in the Help file.
If anyone from NI reads this, I could use a tutorial on how to use the LabVIEW Array VI, the tutorial could go by each Array VI and state what this VI wanted at each connection and what Arrays VI can be connected together and how. What Array VI are special on the FPGA that can't do things that can be done on the Host VI's.