08-25-2009 10:33 AM
I'm using a Lumenera camera for my LabVIEW project. I've dowload everything needed and it's working fine except the frame rate. In LuCam Capture I can set the frame rate to 15.05fps, 7.52fps or 3.76fps. How can we set this in LabVIEW? It takes more than 100ms to do a fast snap (so I guess the default setting is 7.52fps) and I'd like to do it faster. Here's the settings I can change for the camera:
The exposure time is set to 5ms and the exposure delay is set to 0.
Do you know how can I change the frame rate?
Thank you
Solved! Go to Solution.
08-25-2009 12:00 PM
Wow, from the looks of it, you cannot control that particular camera property. I guess you tried looking in the manual that came with it? The only other thing I can recommend is going online to the camera web site and/or contact them directly. 😞
08-25-2009 01:07 PM
Frame rate is probably tied to Exposure Time and Region of Interest (ROI) settings. Not sure, but the ROI may be adjusted via the Frame Format width and height settings.
08-25-2009 01:12 PM
Well if the camera's resolution is 1392x1040 and I want the hole image, how can I change the frame rate? In LuCam Capture I can put that resolution and change the frame rate to 15.02fps...
I know that if I change the offset and width/height it will be faster, but I don't want to do that...
08-25-2009 03:35 PM
I've contacted Lumenera. There's a VI called "LuSetProperty.vi" and one of the setting is "Snapshot clock speed". The default value is 106 and if we put a value of 0 it will be faster.
I don't know why they didn't put it in the input of the Snapshot settings...
Thanks everyone for your help,
08-25-2009 03:39 PM
Yay! Thankfully you've figured it out. I like how you accepted your own post as your solution when my post was the one that suggested you do it. 😉
No matter, solved is solved.
08-25-2009 04:04 PM
billko wrote:Yay! Thankfully you've figured it out. I like how you accepted your own post as your solution when my post was the one that suggested you do it. 😉
No matter, solved is solved.
My last post was dumb, but my computer hung on me and I couldn't retract it. Apologies as your post is certainly the accpeted solution.