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Lwbview execs on MySQL

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I compiled some 32bit execs on a 64 bit Windows computer, that read and write to MySQL. The vis are running fine on that machine.

Now I installed MySQL on another, Windows 7 64 bit, and I get some errors,

Error -2147287037 and ADO Error: 0x80030003.

MySQL server is running, passwords are ok, table exists with matching columns.

Seems there are problems with the 32/64 bit ODBC socket. Whats the best option, 64 bit MySQL server or 32 bit?



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Message 1 of 4
Accepted by topic author Steffen01

Use the ODBC administrator in the C:\Windows\SysWOW64\odbcad32.exe directory.

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Message 2 of 4

I did, when I run it from the syswow64 folder its happy, but when I ron ODBC from the windows prompt, its not. As in, throws up an error.

But the good news is, its working now. I used a subvi that had a fileprompt. So it could not find the udl file, once compiled to an .exe. I realised that, when I run the .exe on the Labview computer, it did not connect either. So I changed that subvi part to just a file imput sting that I could change manually and now it works.

I prefer to use Labview 32 bit, since it has more optinins than 64 bit.

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Message 3 of 4

for the future reader, reinstalling visual C++ redist, now at least I can ODBC admin from the SYSwow64 folder.

or I check this one, can change it in the registry

depends, how commited users are.


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Message 4 of 4