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MG17 ThorLabs Motor - Sequence and Points



I'm trying to create a LabView program to control the ThorLabs translator (MG17). I've already got the motor working, but my experiment requires an extra step.


I need the program to move my sample one step and collect the signal step-by-step (electrical pulse from a photodetector) that passes through the sample at that position. I need the program to do this with a number that I will define to scan my entire sample positioned on the translator.


Could someone help me with this program?

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Message 1 of 6

What have you tried so far?  Is there something specific that isn't working?


What hardware do you have to capture the signal from the photodetector?  Can you read that signal in LabVIEW yet?

0 Kudos
Message 2 of 6

Actually this is the problem! I dont know how to made this program on labview.

To collect the signal I`ll send for an oscilloscope and get on labview.

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Message 3 of 6

If you don't know LabVIEW at all then I would go to the "NI Learning Center" links at the top of the main forum page.  You need to put in some effort to get a general feel for LabVIEW before just jumping into asking for help.  If you want someone to just tell you every step to do then you need to hire a consultant.  This forum is to get guidance and hints, not to ask people to do your work for you.


Thorlabs has a starter guide on how to use their hardware in LabVIEW:


For whatever oscilloscope you get, you can search for the model here:


There is a good chance there will be some premade LabVIEW code and examples showing how to use it, if you can get it connected and working.


However I would say that an oscilloscope may not be the best instrument to use to capture a photodetector signal.  Most scopes only have 8 bits of resolution, and are much better for capturing waveforms over time than single data points.  If you have a programmable DAQ or multimeter that may be a better option instead.

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Message 4 of 6

Hi Kyle,


I'm sorry I didn't express myself correctly. I know how to use Labview, the point is that I am unable to integrate this motor with the function I would like (collecting a signal at each step). Therefore, I would like to know if you know of any function within the invoke node that could help me with this task.


About the oscilloscope, I`ll use to collect a waveform over time. In the other labs thats I work, I built all the system using myDaq.




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Message 5 of 6


I am working on a similar program to create a sequence for two mg17 motor linear stages for some particular distances so that it acts as a scanner and have a point sensor capture the thickness at each point mean while. It would be really helpful if you could share your program or provide me some tips. I can control the motors individually and get it to move to some specific distance but i dont know how to create a loop and automate it. Thanks in advance.

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Message 6 of 6