06-18-2024 02:17 PM
É possível editar a aparência de gráfico no excel utilizando o MS Office report.vi? Fiz a template e consegui obter um relatório com tabela e gráfico, mas o gráfico tem sempre a mesma aparência. Não tem nomeclatura no eixo x e no eixo y aparece Y-AXIS. Não tem nenhum jeito de modificar cores e aspectos como os labels do eixo X e do eixo Y? Gerar o relatório com essa VI é bem mais prático, mas encontrei essa limitação. É possível fazer alguma coisa?
06-18-2024 02:23 PM
Is it possible to edit the chart appearance in excel using MS Office report.vi? I created the template and managed to obtain a report with a table and graph, but the graph always looks the same. There is no name on the x-axis and on the Y-AXIS appears only the label y-axis. Is there no way to modify colors and aspects such as the X-axis and Y-axis labels? Generating the report with this VI is much more practical, but I encountered this limitation. Is it possible to do anything about that?
06-18-2024 08:47 PM
Hello, Marcelo.
The short answer is "Yes, you can do something about that". Here is the output from a Demo I posted on the Forum a decade ago:
As you can see, it is Excel (probably Office 13), has a Graph (actually a plot of the "fake data" shown to the left of the graph) with multiple colors, axis labels, etc.
You can find the Demo by searching the Forum (the Search bar is at the top of the first page, I think). Look for "Revised "Generate Excel Report"" (it should pop up before you finish writing "Excel" -- I just tried typing "Revised Generate Ex" and the Forum filled in the rest and found the Post with the code attached).
I've tried this code recently, and it still works (at least, for me). Note that "Create Report" used to be named "New Report", but it should work, anyway.
Bob Schor