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Madgwick IMU Filter



I am in need of a LV program for Madgwick's 6 DOF IMU filter.


Here is a link to the Madwick example currrently posted on NI:


The above example is the code for Madwick's 9DOF MARG Filter and like I said, I need the 6DOF one. I have zero experience with c code and tanslating it and have limited experience with LabView.  



Attached is Madwick's report, At the very end of the document will be the code that needs translating to LabView.


Ultimately, I will place a "For Loop" around this IMU Filter and index arrays of gyroscope and accelerometer measurements into it and output a quaternion array.  I will be able to to do that myself, just need help in translating the code correctly.


Thanks and Happy Easter

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Message 1 of 4
// Math library required for ‘sqrt’
#include <math.h>
// System constants
#define deltat 0.001f // sampling period in seconds (shown as 1 ms)
#define gyroMeasError 3.14159265358979f * (5.0f / 180.0f) // gyroscope measurement error in rad/s (shown as 5 deg/s)
#define beta sqrt(3.0f / 4.0f) * gyroMeasError // compute beta
// Global system variables
float a_x, a_y, a_z; // accelerometer measurements
float w_x, w_y, w_z; // gyroscope measurements in rad/s
float SEq_1 = 1.0f, SEq_2 = 0.0f, SEq_3 = 0.0f, SEq_4 = 0.0f; // estimated orientation quaternion elements with initial conditions
void filterUpdate(float w_x, float w_y, float w_z, float a_x, float a_y, float a_z)
// Local system variables
float norm; // vector norm
float SEqDot_omega_1, SEqDot_omega_2, SEqDot_omega_3, SEqDot_omega_4; // quaternion derrivative from gyroscopes elements
float f_1, f_2, f_3; // objective function elements
float J_11or24, J_12or23, J_13or22, J_14or21, J_32, J_33; // objective function Jacobian elements
float SEqHatDot_1, SEqHatDot_2, SEqHatDot_3, SEqHatDot_4; // estimated direction of the gyroscope error
// Axulirary variables to avoid reapeated calcualtions
float halfSEq_1 = 0.5f * SEq_1;
float halfSEq_2 = 0.5f * SEq_2;
float halfSEq_3 = 0.5f * SEq_3;
float halfSEq_4 = 0.5f * SEq_4;
float twoSEq_1 = 2.0f * SEq_1;
float twoSEq_2 = 2.0f * SEq_2;
float twoSEq_3 = 2.0f * SEq_3;
// Normalise the accelerometer measurement
norm = sqrt(a_x * a_x + a_y * a_y + a_z * a_z);
a_x /= norm;
a_y /= norm;
a_z /= norm;
// Compute the objective function and Jacobian
f_1 = twoSEq_2 * SEq_4 - twoSEq_1 * SEq_3 - a_x;
f_2 = twoSEq_1 * SEq_2 + twoSEq_3 * SEq_4 - a_y;
f_3 = 1.0f - twoSEq_2 * SEq_2 - twoSEq_3 * SEq_3 - a_z;
J_11or24 = twoSEq_3; // J_11 negated in matrix multiplication
J_12or23 = 2.0f * SEq_4;
J_13or22 = twoSEq_1; // J_12 negated in matrix multiplication
J_14or21 = twoSEq_2;
J_32 = 2.0f * J_14or21; // negated in matrix multiplication
J_33 = 2.0f * J_11or24; // negated in matrix multiplication
// Compute the gradient (matrix multiplication)
SEqHatDot_1 = J_14or21 * f_2 - J_11or24 * f_1;
SEqHatDot_2 = J_12or23 * f_1 + J_13or22 * f_2 - J_32 * f_3;
SEqHatDot_3 = J_12or23 * f_2 - J_33 * f_3 - J_13or22 * f_1;
SEqHatDot_4 = J_14or21 * f_1 + J_11or24 * f_2;
// Normalise the gradient
norm = sqrt(SEqHatDot_1 * SEqHatDot_1 + SEqHatDot_2 * SEqHatDot_2 + SEqHatDot_3 * SEqHatDot_3 + SEqHatDot_4 * SEqHatDot_4);
SEqHatDot_1 /= norm;
SEqHatDot_2 /= norm;
SEqHatDot_3 /= norm;
SEqHatDot_4 /= norm;
// Compute the quaternion derrivative measured by gyroscopes
SEqDot_omega_1 = -halfSEq_2 * w_x - halfSEq_3 * w_y - halfSEq_4 * w_z;
SEqDot_omega_2 = halfSEq_1 * w_x + halfSEq_3 * w_z - halfSEq_4 * w_y;
SEqDot_omega_3 = halfSEq_1 * w_y - halfSEq_2 * w_z + halfSEq_4 * w_x;
SEqDot_omega_4 = halfSEq_1 * w_z + halfSEq_2 * w_y - halfSEq_3 * w_x;
// Compute then integrate the estimated quaternion derrivative
SEq_1 += (SEqDot_omega_1 - (beta * SEqHatDot_1)) * deltat;
SEq_2 += (SEqDot_omega_2 - (beta * SEqHatDot_2)) * deltat;
SEq_3 += (SEqDot_omega_3 - (beta * SEqHatDot_3)) * deltat;
SEq_4 += (SEqDot_omega_4 - (beta * SEqHatDot_4)) * deltat;
// Normalise quaternion
norm = sqrt(SEq_1 * SEq_1 + SEq_2 * SEq_2 + SEq_3 * SEq_3 + SEq_4 * SEq_4);
SEq_1 /= norm;
SEq_2 /= norm;
SEq_3 /= norm;
SEq_4 /= norm;

 Code is Above

0 Kudos
Message 2 of 4

Hey Cseymore,


Try building that function into a DLL then calling it from LabVIEW with a call library function node.  That'll be much easier than translating the entire function into LabVIEW code.

-Jim B
Applications Engineer, National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 3 of 4

can you provide this vi program the link is no more available


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Message 4 of 4