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Manual copy paste excel value

I have a vi which allows users to manual input numeric values (hex). It's a numeric control. However, I found that whatever they copy from Excel cell can't paste into the numeric control front panel. If they copy the content but not the cell, it works. Any clue for this issue? I guess it has to do with the way excel cell is copied.

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Message 1 of 4

Exactly.  The contents of an Excel cell is text data that can be copied.  The entire cell itself is an object full of properties.  LabVIEW wouldn't know how to handle that object.  Suppose you actually copied a range of two cells, how would you want LabVIEW to handle that?

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Message 2 of 4

I asked a similar question here:


And I believe I came out of it with a working solution.  Hopefully this works for you as well.

Message 3 of 4

The Link above is a very good tool to use when trying to solve an Excel copy and paste issue. You can also use an Microsoft Office Excel Spreadsheet Active X control to control copy and paste. I would recommend using a button on the front panel which takes just the text from the cells and not the object. 

Sam S
Applications Engineer
National Instruments
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