10-13-2009 09:01 AM
10-13-2009 09:04 AM
I think I dreamed about this once...
As far as I know, NO, it is not built-in.
10-13-2009 10:31 AM
Hi Steve,
one possible, but risky way would be the usage of global variables.
You have to define them as controls to be able to change their value. As long as you only write them once (seldomly) you can use this for debugging.
But be warned: it's risky because of side effects (aka race conditions):smileywink:
10-13-2009 11:03 AM
Then you should go and kudo this idea http://forums.ni.com/t5/LabVIEW-Idea-Exchange/Allow-Data-in-Wires-to-be-Forced-During-Development/id... in the Ideas Exchange.
It seems to have gotten a reasonable number of kudoes already. With enough support, maybe such a feature can be added to a future version of LV.