11-19-2014 01:26 PM
Hello Coen,
I would like to help you with the trouble that you are having, i know you have W8 but maybe it could work, in the following link there is an explanation of how to solve this problem but in W Vista: http://digital.ni.com/public.nsf/allkb/B4BF3B96988453B98625728100009670?OpenDocument
Also you can try to use the VISA 14.0 that is compatible with windows 8 http://www.ni.com/download/ni-visa-14.0/4722/en/
Finally you can uninstall LabVIEW, install again and then try to install VISA 14.0.
Please find the link of the Arduino NI community https://decibel.ni.com/content/groups/labview-interface-for-arduino?view=overview#/?tagSet=undefined
Let me know if this information was usefull, have a nice day!!
11-22-2014 10:03 PM
Thanks for taking the time to help me!
Unfortunately the first choice you gave me did not work, also I uninstalled labview and I deleted files un c: and in regedit too (of NI of course) then I tried to install NI-VISA 14.0.1 but without success I don´t know any other thing to do to solve this problem, the only thing is to reset my laptop
11-24-2014 01:46 PM
Hello Coen,
Just to review, the W8 is not compatible with the NI-VISA 14.0.1, if its possible you can try with NI-VISA 14.0 which is the compatible version with W8 (http://search.ni.com/nisearch/app/main/p/bot/no/ap/tech/lang/en/pg/1/sn/catnav:du,n19:Windows.Win8,n...
Please let me know if it worked out this time.
11-24-2014 02:08 PM
11-24-2014 05:31 PM
Hello Deniss,
I mentioned this because I opened the NI web page through the next path Home > Support > Downloads > Drivers > NI Drivers and filtered the options by operating system selecting only Windows 8 and the 14.0 NI-VISA was one of the options that appears. That is why i suggested to try with this driver and not the 14.0.1. I also went through the NI-VISA 14.0.1 readme and effectively it says that it is compatible with W8 and not only 8.1.
I will review this internally in order to match the information from the web page with the readme to avoid future misunderstandings.
Thanks for the observation.