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Microsoft Power Bi or Tableau

Hello All, 

       I think, this is the first ever post regarding Microsoft Power BI/Tableau (Data Analytics Tool)

       There are many visualization(Data Analyzation tool) tools in the industry out of that, Microsoft Power Bi and Tableau is a well known. does any one have an experience with integration of Power bi/tableau with LabVIEW? I came across Google ,I didn't find any APIs or any ways to automate these software from LabVIEW. If anyone have any idea or substitute for these tools. please let me know.

[ My goal is to create an interactive data, I have a Test results across different temperature and different voltage condition in an excel format(xlsx) ]

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Message 1 of 3

Dear  GN04,


As for LabVIEW there are no integrations for Power BI/Tableau. There has to be a toolkit for it, but it doesn't exist. I can suggest you using this two together in parallel. i.e. use LabVIEW to record the data in some file and use that file for visualizing the data. Kind of your file will work like a pipe between LabVIEW and Power BI/Tableau.




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Message 2 of 3

Dear anasei,  I want to create and customize a Microsoft BI File from data (xlsx or csv) using LabVIEW not manually. Like calling macros(VB Script) in xlsx from LabVIEW





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Message 3 of 3