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Missing subVI NI_AALBase.lvlib:Real A x in...

I have an application that runs fine in the LabVIEW10 development environment.  Then I've created an installer for it (and included the RTE and DAQ installers).  However, when I install it on another PC and try to run the executable I get a list of errors that it failed to load VIs from the NI_AALBase.lvlib (see attachment).


How do I make sure my executable (or installer) includes that library?

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Hi there.

So I'm wondering two things.


1) When you create the Application (EXE), there is a Category called "Source File Settings." When you go there, and you select "Dependencies," what does the "Inclusion Type" say? It should say "Include if referenced".

2) Also in the project, under "Source Files," have you specified a start-up VI?

3) When you go to your project, and you expand the Dependencies section and then vi.lib, do you see NI_AALBase.lvlib there? It should be if your VIs use those functions. Let me know whether they are there.

4) In the Installer, under Additional Installers, under "NI LabVIEW Run-Time Engine 2010", do you have "Math Kernel Libraries" checked? Those probably have the files you need.


Let me know if you need clarification for any of this. Good luck!

Ravi A.
National Instruments | Applications Engineer
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