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Most Imaginative / Craziest / Interesting Thing You've Done With LabVIEW

Norlux1: (iButton vi's)

Here is an llb (LV7.1.1) that reads and writes to an EEPROM.  I don't use the EEPROM iButton (I use the NVRAM) so the vi's are not very well tested, but they are able to read/write to an EEPROM iButton at a minumum.  I created the subvi's from scratch, modeling them after the iButton functions found in IBFS32.DLL, so you will need that DLL for these to run.  The DLL gets installed when you install the 1-wire drivers, as you probably already know.  There are lots of white papers on Maxim's website that explains how to communicate over the network.

If you need more help, please ask.


Message Edited by tbob on 02-28-2006 01:52 PM

- tbob

Inventor of the WORM Global
Message 71 of 118

I've wrote a Labview program six years ago that downloaded the Texas lotto database (.csv) from the net , analyzed the results (histogram, anova, etc) and created a list of preferred numbers. Since then I've added a subprogram to create a random set of quick pick numbers based on that preferred set. I started this project to familiarize myself with the way VI's handle arrays of data and the statisitical VI's.

Yep, I'm still a poor old daq developer.



Message 72 of 118

Wasn't there a big thread a few months ago about using Labview to datalog beer/wine fermentation processes?  That's a good use!

Interesting things I've done with labview (other than lab control stuff):

- Tetris game

- simple cursor moving program to thwart the screensaver and it's password settings on my old work computer. 

- supercharger belt tension tester using the microphone input

- complete speaker measurement and test suite (still a work on progress) that lats me measure Ts parameters of drivers, and in-room sweeps as well as quasi-anchoic driver responses.  This relies on an impedance bridge that I also built. 



Technical geek, engineer, research scientist, biodegradable...
Message 73 of 118
I used LabVIEW to create a program for monitoring students while they work on their experiments!
Students who work on their rigs require 'frequent visual contact' by other people, whether that be other students or staff, in the vicinity of the experiment to check they are ok and haven't dismembered themselves on the large rotating fans etc. This strict health and safety regulation became a hindrence for some students who wanted to run their experiments outside normal working hours, say after 8pm, because if no-one else was around they wouldn't be able to run.
The code I wrote, dubbed "Buddy Client" and currently at release V1.4.1, uses webcams to send images from two computers connected over the network to each other so an 'office working' student/staff member can see what the 'experimenter' is up to, and vica versa.
Furthermore, the regulations added that to ensure the users of Buddy Client were truely monitoring students and not just running the package in the background, a timing feature is used to keep track of the user's interaction! Included is a text interface, like the old ICQ, so the users can send short messages to each other. If they don't send any text for 10 minutes then it is assumed the user is not monitoring the experimenter adequately, and an alert is displayed and sounded.
Furthermore! A third program, running on a server machine, is in constant network contact with BOTH running sessions of Buddy Client, and keeps a log of all activity, especially noting when these alerts are displayed. These logs are encrypted using my own encryption tools, and our Health and Safety officer can read these logs, using a fourth tool, to see how effective the use of Buddy Client is.
User can set frame rates, image sizes, image compression rates, text size, text colour, send 'pages' to each other, choose different cameras etc.
The best thing - the entire package is compiled and has its own installation routine, as created by LabVIEW, and looks very impressive to the students/staff. If we were to have commissioned a company to code this it would have cost thousands.
Message 74 of 118
0 Kudos
Message 75 of 118

I developed a Acoustic Particulate Sensor in Labview 6.1 The VI would take in the temperature and relative humidity measurement and calculate the speed of sound based on the measurements and I would measure the speed of sound with two microphones in the sensor chamber and calculate the speed of sound based on the time taken by sound to travel from one microphone to other and then compare the two speed of sound  and with some chemical relations was able to detect the amount of particulates in the sensor chamber. I tested the sensor in Clean room and it worked just fine.
All the acquistion and programming was done in Labview 6.1 and Now working on 8.0 and currently working on developing a GUI for Sonic boom studies on structures. Its just on the starting phase but I know with labview it is possible to build a nice GUI.
I knew programming in C and VC++ but I hated to write long codes and thus programming, but labview changed my thinking about programming, I just do programming in Labview now and its fun and labview rocks


0 Kudos
Message 76 of 118
I saved the dynamic data in the array, after that, I clicked right mouse, chose "Data Operation -> Copy data". But I don't know where I can copy those data. Please, help me for that.
How could I export them to .txt file. I tried,  but it just display by row, not column like array. Because it is a 1D array, so I can not use "transpose" as 2D array.
0 Kudos
Message 77 of 118
I saved the dynamic data in the array, after that, I clicked right mouse, chose "Data Operation -> Copy data". But I don't know where I can copy those data. Please, help me for that.
How could I export them to .txt file. I tried,  but it just display by row, not column like array. Because it is a 1D array, so I can not use "transpose" as 2D array.
0 Kudos
Message 78 of 118
I saved the dynamic data in the array, after that, I clicked right mouse, chose "Data Operation -> Copy data". But I don't know where I can copy those data. Please, help me for that.
How could I export them to .txt file. I tried,  but it just display by row, not column like array. Because it is a 1D array, so I can not use "transpose" as 2D array.
0 Kudos
Message 79 of 118


You are in the wrong thread! Didn't you read what it is about?

Post your problem in the LabVIEW board and you will get answers.


Using LV8.0
Don't be afraid to rate a good answer... 😉
0 Kudos
Message 80 of 118