08-25-2009 06:26 PM
I try to stream 8 channels into a single wav file using the Sound File Write (I16) VI. It works great for 2 channels. If I configure the Sound File Write (I16) for 3 or more channels, the data of the 8 channels is still stored in that single wav file, but I cannot open it in Matlab or ISHMEAL.
The LV help says: "For multi-channel sound data, data is an array of waveforms where each element of the array is a single channel."So, it should work with more that 2 channels. What I'm doing wrong?
Does LV support mulitchannel(3+) wav files or do I need to write the wav file myself as a binary file like in Snd Write Wave file VI?
I'm using LV 8.6. \\
08-25-2009 11:33 PM
08-26-2009 12:24 PM
Hi RavenFAn,
'cause nobody replied and I thought I should rewrite my problem.
08-26-2009 12:31 PM
Be patient!
If you feel the need to rewrite the question, go ahead and do so in the original thread. It will clarify your question, and also bring it back to the top of the board where it would get more visibility again. Creating multiple threads just scatters the help you could potentially get and irritates the people who would want to help you.
08-26-2009 01:31 PM
I understand. Sorry about that.
Thanks for pointing that out,