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Multiple Sessions

Okay,what I have is now 25 microcontroller kits connected to a server PC serially(COM Ports).

We, have made a VI in which student will perform some experiments on the kit sitting at a remote place(Using the Web Publishing Tool).What I need to know is:-

1. Can I use a single VI for all the 25 kits simultaneously(by ticking the check box Reentrant Execution in VI properties Execution menu)? That means can I provide a single link on the web upon clicking which each of the 25 kits can be operated using a single VI or do I have to build 25 VI's of the same and put up the link for each VI?

2. Now using php or java coding it is possible for me to create a session,that means user will be able to know which COM port is busy at the moment and then he/she can be directed to the next empty COM port.

Can the same be done using labview? Do I have to use the Web Services tool box for the same?

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Message 1 of 3

I think the reentrant thing can be done.

What I need to know is by using LabVIEW can I program it in such a way that the user when opens the VI he should be assigned programmatically the free COM port (may be out of 25) to perform the experiment?

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Message 2 of 3

Okay the com port rather the resource which is free is now assigned to the user with no problem.

Now just wanted to know if using web publishing tool can multiple clients control the same VI(that is using the reentrant property)

Or there is some license issue with this?

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