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Multiplexer question (PXI-2527) and topology, etc.

Hi all,


I have a LabVIEW exe from a customer where the front panel GUI shows CH0+ being switched to either CH16+ or CH17+ or CH18+. These channel names refer to a PXI-2527. The program and the hardware are working fine, but I thought one of these lines would have to be a Common. How are they using CH0+ as an input and switching it to one of those outputs? What topology would make this possible? (again it's a exe Smiley Mad).




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Message 1 of 4

That is confusing.  My guess is that they are calling CH0 the common.  And since they used +, I would also guess they are using the 2-wire.  Again, pure guessing.

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Message 2 of 4

@crossrulz wrote:

That is confusing.  My guess is that they are calling CH0 the common.  And since they used +, I would also guess they are using the 2-wire.  Again, pure guessing.

That's what I have to assume - without opening the wire bundle to ohm it out...Smiley Frustrated  With Independent Topology, could that type of connection happen - connecting This Channel to That Channel without regards to the Commons?


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Message 3 of 4



Using the independent topology of the device, you can route the input channels to themselves.  Refer to the link I've included below:

NI PXIPXIe-2527 Independent Topology

This is likely what the customer is using.  

There is actually a specific message board for any future switch-related questions you may have:

Switch Hardware and Software - NI Discussion Forums

Have a nice day!


Jared R.
Precision DC Product Support Engineer
National Instruments
Message 4 of 4