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Must NI-DAQmx Configuration Support be included in Application Installer?



I am using LabVIEW 2012 sp1 with Application Builder and am building an application installer.  I have included the LabVIEW run time engine, DAQmx run time engine, and device driver for the USB-6009 that I am using.  If I'm including the device driver and am only using this one device (i.e., not changing devices programatically), do I still need to include NI-DAQmx Configuration Support under the "Additional Installers" page of the Installer Properties Dialog Box?  The description says that this "Contains NI-DAQmx drivers and support for configuring NI hardware via the Measurement & Automation Explorer (MAX)", so I'm thinking I don't need it on the target machines on which my application will be installed if I alread have the hardware identified and driver installed.  


I'm trying to scale back the file size of the resulting application installer. 




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As long as your device will be the default device name (Dev1) in every instance the software will use, you should be fine.  If you use a specific configuration other than the default that you set up in MAX, you will want to add MAX to the installer as well as the MAX configuration for that device.

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