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NI-9219 Not working

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I am trying to read voltage using NI-9219 using NI-MAX test panel, the reading shows 60V, i didn't even connect any input to the terminal but the module's reading is straight to 60V. is that mean problem with module?

we have only this module and we are running out of time to complete the project. somebody help me.




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Accepted by topic author Kumaresan.mech

Incorrect Readings on Unconnected or Open Channels of DAQ Device:

NI does not specify what voltage a device will read when there is no signal connected.

Since an open or unconnected channel is not being actively driven to any specific voltage you cannot expect a specific voltage to appear on the channel. To see zero volts on a given channel, there will need to be a zero voltage signal applied across the + and - terminals of the channel, which is the same as grounding the channel. To pull down the signal to zero, you can use a pull-down resistor.

Applications Engineer | TME Systems
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