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NI 9264 to produce 3 phase waveforms and shown in 1 chart


I'm trying to program the NI 9264 and produce the analog voltage output (5 volts amplitude). I also would like to see the waveforms in one chart for the waveforms if possible. I was using the Samples code "Voltage Continuous Output". I really don't need the triggering code part because I will have start button and stop button. The assignment of the code will be based on the table I sent earlier. I also believe I don't need the samples code part because as long as I have the output that is all I need. I will use this program to inject the output to our DSP board for testing purposes.


Voltage Phase NI9264 Phase (deg) Voltage Output Frequency      
Vline1 Phase A ao0 0 5V 60 Hz      
Phase B ao1 120 5V 60 Hz      
Phase C ao2 240 5V 60 Hz      
Phase Neutral ao3 0 0V 60 Hz This is the return/common
Vline2 Phase D ao4 0 5V 60 Hz      
Phase E ao5 120 5V 60 Hz      
Phase F ao6 240 5V 60 Hz      
Phase Neutral ao7 0 0V 60 Hz This is the return/common
Cline1 Phase A ao8 0 5V 60 Hz      
Phase B ao9 120 5V 60 Hz      
Phase C ao10 240 5V 60 Hz      
Phase Neutral ao11 0 0V 60 Hz This is the return/common
Unused   ao12            
Unused   ao13            
Unused   ao14            
Unused   ao15            


Please help. Thanks so much!


PS I am also new to LabVIEW and NI device

0 Kudos
Message 1 of 58

To show 3 waveforms in 1 chart , use the function Build array , and wire each waveform then plot on Waveform Chart. 

These waveforms you need to write to the Analog Outputs according to the specs on your table. 





0 Kudos
Message 2 of 58

Thank you so much for your quick reply LVninja!


Is it possible to see the 3 phase in one chart/graph? The below chart still shows they are separately shown. The reason for this is because I want to show they are 120 degrees apart. 

0 Kudos
Message 3 of 58

Yes it's possible, you just need to change how the data is presented. 

Rick Click on the Waveform Chart and choose OVERLAY  plots - That's how the Waveform chart is setup by default when you first place on the front panel. 



0 Kudos
Message 4 of 58

Thanks LV Ninja!


Shall I use the same concept as you mentioned earlier?




0 Kudos
Message 5 of 58

Yes, that's the same way to combine the 3 waveforms. Actually I believe when you place the waveform chart on front panel, they will show all waveforms overlayed mode by default. 



0 Kudos
Message 6 of 58

Sorry I made a mistake, you need to select OVERLAY PLOTS to show all on the same. 

0 Kudos
Message 7 of 58

Sounds good! Thank you so much...I will make the program and send you if problem arises.

0 Kudos
Message 8 of 58

Hi LVninja,


Here is the vi file I made. It is a modified version of the "Voltage Continuous Output" available from the Samples.


My settings should be:

1. ao0=ao4=ao8 = has same phase 0 deg

2. ao1=ao5=ao9 = has same phase 120 deg

3. ao2=ao6=ao10 = has same phase 240 deg


Now I only have 1 Physical Channels to select any output terminal in my current vi, do I need to add 2 more DAQmx so I can have items no. 2 and 3 above?


I also want to see all three waveforms in the same chart.


Plus the neutral line, do I need to use 1 channel output or shall I use the common channel/s from the NI device as neutral line?


Your help will be highly appreciated.


Thank you!




0 Kudos
Message 9 of 58

Can u save for 2020 please ? 


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Message 10 of 58