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NI Device Drivers 2016.02 silent install fails

I have downloaded the latest NI Device drives 2016.02 zip file, expanded it and then combined both directories into one.


I created the answer file using: setup.exe /generatespecfile path_to_my_file.spec


I pretty much left all boxes default during the answer file generation and disabled the check for updates. 


When I try to install labview using the answer file, the installation simply stops at the point to select which pieces to install.


If I use /q the installation simply fails after a little bit. If I remove the /q to see what is going on, then installation simply starts, but then gets stuck at selecting the pieces to install.


Is the NI Decive drives 2016.02 package broken?



0 Kudos
Message 1 of 4

Have you tried extracting the two directories from the Zip file, then starting the installation from the first one?  It is not clear to me that the routine that manages the installation will correctly handle combining the two files into one, as you have done.  I've certainly never tried to do this (and have never experienced this particular problem) ...


Bob Schor

Message 2 of 4

The way all the old versions have worked is that you download the parts and extract them into the same folder. Then you create the answer file and install from a single folder.


I have expanded the file again into the two sub-folders:

DCD-Feb 16-1

DCD-Feb 16-2


I've run and created the spec file just from the DCD-Feb 16-1 and when I try to run setup.exe path_to_spec_file /r:n /acceptlicenses yes I get the exact same problem. The installation starts and stops at the components selection.




At this point, I think there may be an issue with the 2016.02 package. I am going to try the 2015.08 and see if that one works out.





0 Kudos
Message 3 of 4
I finally figured it out. The driver package requires .Net 3.x and 2.x and my test VM with Windows 10 did not have the .Net 3.5 package installed. Once that was installed, everything worked just fine merging the two zip files as I had done in the past.
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Message 4 of 4