The NI Device Loader service is not starting using LabVIEW/DAQmx 2023-Q3, 64-bit on my Dell 64-bit 7600 Desktop running Windows 10.
Previously I had LabVIEW 2014 and DAQmx 9.9 installed but uninstalled them before the pandemic. Last week I installed LabVIEW 2023-Q3 and DAQmx 2023-Q3 in order to control my USB-6225 connected to BNC-2120 and SCB-68. However, I've encountered several problems:
- NI Route Coordinator service not starting: fixed by using Repair in NI Package Manager (NIPM)
- Database Connection Error in Measurement & Automation Explorer (NI MAX): fixed according to KnowledgeBase article 42HG08DD by manually resetting the database
- NI Device Loader service not starting ("Error 1053: The service did not respond to the start or control request a timely fashion."): Not fixed
My NI Device Monitor app starts, but does not recognize my USB-6225, presumably since the NI Device Loader service is not running. The device driver seems up-to-date and properly installed.
My Device Loader service is located at C:\WINDOWS\SysWOW64\nidevldu.exe
When I try to manually start the service, I get Error 1053 above.
Over the last week, I have installed/uninstalled LabVIEW 2014 SP1/DAQmx 9.1 and also LabVIEW/DAQmx 2023-Q3, 32-bit edition. I also uninstalled all versions of LabVIEW (64- and 32-bit) and DAQmx several times and also tried using Repair (of all the installed files) in NIPM several times, without any luck.
I've also manually tried starting all the services in the attached photo without any luck and get errors every time.
Is it possible that the problem is with conflicts with (hidden) files and registry files from the old LabVIEW 2014/DAQmx 9.9 32-bit edition and the new LabVIEW/DAQmx 2023-Q3 64-bit edition? If so, is there a way to delete/reset all the old hidden files/registry files?
Overall, I need to communicate with my USB-6225/BNC-2120/SCB-68 and cannot as long as the NI Device Loader service is corrupt.