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NI I/O Trace


I have been working with LabVIEW and I have been told to use NI I/O Trace to figure out the error I am facing in my work.

However, I cant see the NI I/O Trace neither in the Software tab in Measurement & Automation Explorer nor in the start>> all programms>> National Instruments.

Within the Software tap in Measurement & Automation Explorer I have the following list:

IVI Compliance Package 3.3

LabVIEW 8.6

LabVIEW Run Time 7.1

LabVIEW Run Time 8.0.1

LabVIEW Run Time 8.2.1

LabVIEW Run Time 8.5.1

LabVIEW Run Time 8.6

LabWindows/CVI Run Time 8.5

Measurement & Automation Explorer 4.5

Measurement Studio for VS200


NI LabVIEW Signal EXpress 3.0

NI TestStand 4.1.1

NI PAL 2.3

NI USI 1.5.1


NI VISA Runtime 4.4

I am new in LabVIEW and I am confused. Did I wrongly install the LabVIEW? NI I/O Trace is not listed.


Thanks in advance for the help.



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If you open

Measurement & Automation Explorer 4.5 you should see that NI I/O Trace when you select GPIB. In that version it might be referred to as NI SPY which was an older name for the tool.

Now Using LabVIEW 2019SP1 and TestStand 2019
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