06-03-2023 06:02 PM
hello, help, I have a problem, I can't start the NI OPC SERVER
I get the error "NI OPC Servers: Invalid or missing user information [data is corrupt]"
in the company's solution, it tells me to delete an xml file, I already did it, but now it says to reinstall the software in NI PACKAGE MANAGER, there I have the problem, I don't know what kind of software I should repair, I should repair the entire program labview or is there a specific file? Please, I would appreciate it if you could help me with this.
06-03-2023 08:24 PM
John, I do not know the answer, but when in NI Package Manager after enabling the setting to show hidden packages, on the Installed tab if I type "opc" in the Search control and hit enter, I get three packages that somehow deal with OPC: DataSocket, NI OPC Support, and OPCEnum. Maybe selecting those 3 packages and select Repair might do what you want.
06-03-2023 08:39 PM
wow, I'll try it, thank you very much for the information