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NI VISA Aiases automatically changed when hardware altered.

This is in the LabView topic area because predominantly our software is written in LabView .However the issue is more to do with NI VISA.


I am working on a project which utilises our core test equipment but has an alternative configuration (additional PXI chassis) for specific purposes. 


On the completion of the additional software driver installation for the alternative configuration NI MAX is opened and the aliases are added for the new instrumentation. So, at the end of the setup process NI MAX holds all the aliases names used for the original and the additional hardware.


A problem has been discovered which is repeatable. If the additional hardware (with 2nd PXI chassis) is removed then, on PC reboot or power cycle, we discover that some of the aliases are lost or have been renamed (for the core hardware equipment). We have also witnessed the loss of some of the new aliases when re-connecting the additional hardware.


I presume visaconfig.ini is being altered at some point. What I need to understand is WHEN is it being altered? We are not re-opening NI MAX but try and run our software. This typically falls over because an error is detected due to an invalid alias. What process is opening the visaconfig.ini file and changing the contents.


NI MAX is a 2017 version. LabView is developed with the 2012 version. Windows 10 is the operating system.

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